I hope you’ve been practicing some walking backwards. In your back yard, hallway or in the gym. The goal is to work up to 10 minutes, just walking at a normal rate and pace. For you that are ready and have access to a gym, try walking backward on a treadmill. This can be tricky, so follow the following steps:
Another way to strengthen the upper leg muscles is to do flexion and extension. This can easily be done at home. Adding in some glute work is also good and will also help support your low back. After all, it is ALL connected.
Try just 10 sets of each: - Extension; sitting in a chair, lifting the lower leg until the leg is straight, flex the leg and then lower. - Flexion; standing and using a chair, desk or counter, lift just the lower leg until it the leg is at a 90-degree angle, flex the back of the leg and lower. - Glutes (butt); standing, lift the whole leg from the hip as high as you can keeping the hips forward. Squeeze the glute and then lower the leg. Some alternatives are using weight machines at the gym or elastic bands tethered to the leg of the chair or table. Now walk around forward and then a little backward. Work up to 2 or 3 sets of 10. For those of you that are already pretty fit but having some knee pain or discomfort, I suggest checking out these guys: The Kneesovertoesguy - YouTube graham tuttle - YouTube The Ready State - YouTube I’ll be using a lot of their information and breaking it down for us beginners out there. #kneepain #kneesovertoes #walkingbackward #olderbetterwiser Comments are closed.
September 2024