![]() When I was a reserve firefighter, in Los Osos, we answered the call of a woman that thought she was having a heart attack. We arrived at her home and her husband rushed us inside to where she was sitting in her living room with the TV playing in the background. She was pale. Her breathing was rapid and shallow and she was having chest pain. She was obviously in distress. We hooked her up to the EKG and took her vitals. After running all the tests, the paramedics surmised she was having an anxiety attack. After questioning her about how it was triggered, it started while she was watching a market report. The market had dropped significantly that day and she lost a major portion of her retirement investments. We recommended she visit her doctor as soon as possible, just to make sure there was nothing else going on, not watch the news and we left. Anxiety and panic attacks can happen anywhere to anyone at any time. Life is full of ups and downs and twists and turns that can be pretty rough for even the most stoic. With world events becoming more and more turbulent and violent, finding joy and taking a time out can help to keep calm. Get out in nature, watch the bees at work, the treessway in the wind, or the fog lazily wrap up the coast. Take a hike and enjoy the view. Take an afternoon to visit with a dear friend or loved one. Read a good book. Make time in your day or week to do one thing, even for 5 minutes, that brings you joy. Powerful hormones and endorphins are released when we experience positive feelings that can help with lowering blood pressure, stress levels and boost the immune system. What brings you joy? Many of you have had success in doing the stretches and are doing them regularly. Yay! Here is the link, if you want to get started. VIDEOS Massage openings this week: Wednesday - 1:30 3, 4:30, 6pm Thursday - 3, 4;30, 6pm Friday - 11:30, 1, 2:30, 4, 7pm Saturday - 11am, 12:30, 2, 3:30, 5pm ![]() The world is a crazy place...and it just seems to get worse. No matter where you turn, there is disturbing news and events taking place in every corner of our world. It can be hard to find the good and still keep a smile on your face. For me, taking time to meditate, walk on the beach or take a hike helps me get connected to my better self and keep my smile. Some easy ways to find your "island of calm": - Turn off your phone for an hour - Do not watch the news or read the paper for a day - Find a quiet place to read a good book - Have coffee with a good friend - Do something kind and unexpected for a stranger _Before you get out of bed, in the morning, remind yourself of 5 things to be grateful for These are just a few suggestions that might help you find your smile and your island of "calm". When all else fails...get a massage. It is the one place you don't have to talk to anyone, falling asleep is a compliment and it is all about you! Happy Father's Day! Enjoy this day and celebrate the men in your life. Being a dad isn't easy and the job gets over-looked and under-appreciated many times. My dad isn't alive anymore and he wasn't perfect but he did his best. I am grateful that he was part of my life. Take the time today to be grateful for those in your life, perfect or not, because they helped influence you into becoming the amazing person you are. |
January 2025