Are you missing out?
Almost every day I go for a walk on the beach with my four dogs and we explore, run around and contemplate the adventure called "life". This week I had a great reminder about paying attention to what is around me instead of being locked in my own little life and dramas. In the middle of the week, I saw a pod of dolphin off shore about 150 yards, just beyond the breaking waves. There was a good size group of them splashing, frolicking and jumping out of the water. It was really quite the show. I looked around to see if anyone else was enjoying this and saw a family of mom, dad and two kids, all with cellphones in hand and the daughter had an iPad. Not one of them was looking around. They were all too focused on their electronic devices. It was sad to see. Today when I was enjoying our walk, the dolphins were putting on a show again, only this time I wasn't the only spectator. Several people had stopped to watch and were taking photos or video. A couple of bike riders on the highway were stopped and watching too. The experience seemed richer just by the fact that so many had taken the time to enjoy the fun and beauty of these creatures. Are dolphins important? Maybe not, but I think that family missed out on something special. Life moves fast and if you aren't plugged into technology in some form or another, you can feel left behind. I am not gonna lie, I am VERY plugged into my computer and phone. They are necessary for my business and a source of education and entertainment. I really work to stay balanced in my use of them and not let them take control of my attention and life. Some things can not be replaced by the fast pace put on us by technology and the computer culture we all live in. Having a face to face conversation instead of "facetime" on the screen, a hand written note of thanks instead of a text or email. Spending time and our attention on those we care about feeds something deeper within us. We all need connection and to be seen and heard by others. I don't think that need will ever be replaced and I am determined to stay connected in real ways. Being a bodyworker, it is important for me to pay attention and listen to what is "ujnder my hands". So much of what a person experiences is held in the body. Interesting too, that I could tell two different clients were pregnant before they knew or told me...I am always amazed by the messages of bodies! So take a moment to really see what is around you. Look for ways to connect on a real human level. You might experience things in ways you never thought possible! Comments are closed.
January 2025